If you'd only like to have a couple of images at a time, then you don't have to register - ever! Although registering and creating an account is free at Remove Background, we have simplified our process to make sure you have the freedom to upload when you want, with no lengthy registrations.
Absolutely! We guarantee that your images are 100% safe, secure and private. To ensure this we invested in a top of the line security encryption (TLS) when transferring your files and for when they are stored. Once your files are safe and securely stored with us, they can only be accessed by using one of the unique links that we send directly to you at your designated email address.
If you do not have an account then we only keep your files until you download the final edited image. Once you have downloaded your finished images we remove both the original and edited files from our servers. So make sure you save it! If you have a corporate account however, then you can elect to either store your images in your account for as long as your account is active, or alternatively you can choose to store them until you have downloaded them. The choice is yours with a Corporate account!
If you didn't receive your confirmation emails then please contact our helpful staff using either the online chat or phone support - we are here to help you 24/7. It's always best to make sure there isn't a mistake in the address, so be extra careful when you enter your details.
Once you have paid and uploaded your image request, your image will be edited by one of our professional team editors. As soon as the editing is finished and your image is ready we will send you a direct email to with a link that will let you download the image directly to your computer/device. If you have a Corporate Account then we will also keep the files in your account and your ready images will also be available to be previewed once they are dispatched.
Our online payment options are compatible with visa, master card and paypal so you have the added comfort of paying through a safe and secure pathway.
Of course! At Remove Background we believe you should only pay for the service you use. Which is why we only charge you for the service that you request, and more importantly only when you request it! Our accounts are 100% Free to set up and use which means you only pay when you want an image edited!